Sunday, March 15, 2015

Working on The Farm

We spent a long, tiring day working out on the farm today. DH, AJ, SAS & RV worked hard getting our new feed barrels cleaned out and ready for the tote of feed that we would be picking up tomorrow. TABS and T did the "heavy labor", lifting 50lb. bags of grain out of the old freezer and moving the old freezer to the scrap pile, chasing and killing all the mice that lived in it all along the way! RB helped me level the ground and set the Idaho yard bricks in place for the barrels. JP even got the backhoe out and filled in a huge mud puddle that Miss Bea had created!  All in all, we all worked hard but we got alot done and left feeling very accomplished!

DH Cleaning out the barrels
TABS and T moving the freezer
The cows... because I like them. 
Using the 4-wheeler to dump the junk from the old freezer.
Three of the ultimately SIX barrels
Taking a much needed break. Look at how dirty these gals are!
Even Little L is pitching in, helping to move the dirt that the backhoe brought in!

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