Monday, March 9, 2015

Our Newest Baby

Just when we thought we were done with bottlefeeding, we would like to introduce the newest little member of our 4H family. She doesn't have a name yet, so I'm calling her "possibly", because each time I ask T what he's going to name her his answer is always, "possibly Splotches, Izzy, or Iggy".
She's such a sweet natured little lady and has the most beautiful coloring. I think she will get along great with BamBam & Smiley and I'm sure that they will be super excited to get to stay on their milk for just a little longer! 

T was able to get this little bottlebaby at s great price from a farmer in Coleville, UT. He was very generous in making sure that T was able to afford this little girl and went overall the in's and out's of a bottle baby. T is super excited to get to working with his little girl. Isn't she just the cutest!?! We happily welcome her and her adorableness to our 4H Farm! 

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