Monday, March 16, 2015

Holy Food Batman!

Well, the barrels were cleaned, prepped and laid into place. All we needed now was to go get the food! I drove the farm truck to work that day, so I could head out right after work, before they closed. Unfortunately we also had visitors in the office that day, so here I am, all dressed up in my slacks and high heels, driving a farm truck to work, then driving to the feed store and stepping out in said high heels. Man did I get alot of comments today! Come on people! A lady can wear high heels and run a farm too ya' know!

First I grabbed a few large bags of sawdust from a local sawmill for the piglets, then I headed over to the feed store where I happily purchased an 1800+ lb. tote of feed. I'll tell you this... that sounds big, but you have no idea just how big it actually is until you see it come out on the forklift and watch as it squats the struts on a full size, one ton, truck! Have some pig feed! Wow!

I, very gingerly, drove my gigantic load out to the farm, where it took another four hours, six kids, and two trips for more barrels, to unload the feed tote giant! Six barrels full of feed later, I was so impressed with how well the kids all pitched in to carry buckets, shovel feed, and get all dusty, dirty, and exhausted to get the job done. I've said it so many times, but I'll say it again... These Kids Just Amaze Me!

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