Monday, January 19, 2015

Welcome Momma Pig

What a weekend we have had! We built a farrowing barn, borrowed a horse trailer, researched pig reproduction, and picked up a Momma Sow, nearly ready to give birth!
Our Momma Sow

It wasn't as easy as it sounds. It all started when Leader SS contacted a farm out of Grantsville, UT on January 14th, where a wonderful farmer agreed to sell us one of his pregnant sows for $700. That got the ball rolling and the clock ticking. This sweet sow is due on January 25th and we have to get a farrowing (birthing) barn built, heat sources set up, and research done so we know what we are getting ourselves into, then we have to get her into her new home in enough time that she can get comfortable before she goes into labor. Over the next few days, we had a lot of work to do!

We started by collecting wood that people were throwing out. Then we used it to create a stall in SC's horse barn. We added a heat lamp and got some straw. We asked (begged) until we found a wonderful lady who was willing to loan us her three horse trailer, and we drove out and got it loaded up and drug home. Then came a little hitch. We had just finish the barn, got the trailer home and put the kids to bed when I got an email from the farmer. He was really worried about moving the sow this close to her due date, and he might have had a little sentimental attachment to her and he was wavering on selling her. Little SS was laying with me when I read the email and was reading over my shoulder. She immediately started shaking her head and little tears started. She had watched so many videos, done so much research, and worked so hard to make sure that she knew everything she needed to know to give this Momma the best chance at having a happy, healthy litter of piglets, and she wasn't at all ready to start looking at going back. She was all in! I sent out a text to the other adults, emailed the farmer letting him know that we were still interested and I would call him in the morning, and tried to sleep knowing that I needed to take care of it in the morning.

Morning came and I was exhausted! We all got up and got ready for the day, knowing that this was the day, today we would either meet our Momma Sow, or we would end the day empty handed. I called the farmer twice on my way to work, both times with no answer. I got to work and settled in, ready to start my day, come what may. Finally the farmer called me! We chatted and from what I understand, I think he was impressed at how much work our kids had done and how prepared we were. We were back on!

Then it was time. We loaded the kids, got in the truck and headed for the farm. It was a looonnnng drive! It took us nearly two and a half hours to get there, but when we did we were in for an amazing treat! The farmer showed us around and gave us a truly grand tour! We saw piglets from a week old to some born in November. He talked to us about how to care for the piglets, what to do for the Momma's, his breeding operation and how he tried to breed for good genetics, not just good show qualities. The pigs and piglets we saw were beautiful and I can see how his breeding techniques will build beautiful show pigs. I can't wait to see our babies!
Some of the piglets

Our Momma Sow loaded right into the trailer with very little prompting and settled in for a long ride home. Once we got there, all the kids came out to help coax her out of the trailer and into her stall. Once out of the trailer, her curiosity got the better of her and she wandered right in. She sniffed around her new place, munched on some food and water and rooted around in her straw before settling down for bed. We scratched her behind her ears, said goodnight and closed her in for the night. I think she is very happy in her new home. Now the countdown begins… 6 days and counting to piglets!

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