Thursday, January 22, 2015

Momma Pig Gets Her Name

Today was our weekly 4H meeting, so we were able to come together as a club and make some important decisions. Mainly, what will we name our Momma Pig? Now the kids had some very interesting ideas.

Here were the names that they had to choose from: 
  • Beatrice
  • Cerdo (Means Pig in Spanish)
  • Dutchess
  • Lily
  • Lucy
  • Margaret
  • Momma Pig
  • Sadie
  • Spiderham
  • Sweetie
  • Zhu (Means Pig in Chinese (The Chinese were the first to domesticate pigs 6000 years ago))
  • Zoe Zhu
  • Zoie
Each member got to vote for three different names. Once the votes were all counted and absentee votes were in we had a tie! Two names had four votes each - Beatrice and Zoe Zhu

In the case of a tie, Leader SS held an emergency vote with the club members present each getting a single vote. With just five kids present, it got pretty tense when one young lady couldn't make up her mind and the other four were deadlocked in another tie. Things got pretty tense until that one young lady finally lifted her thumb up to indicate her vote. And our momma pig's name is….


Gaelic Meaning: 
Bringer of joy; blesses.

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