Monday, January 26, 2015

Piglets First Outing - Stepping out of the farrowing barn

Our sweet little momma pig had been cooped up for too long, it was a bright sunny and warm day outside, so we let her out to stretch her legs. When Miss Beatrice came out, the little ones weren't too far behind. They wandered out of the farrowing barn, a little sheepishly at first, but then they really got into it! They were rooting around in the dirt, eating dirt, jumping and playing. They had an amazing outing! And Miss Beatrice sure loved getting out and about too! While they were out, we took the opportunity to clean out the farrowing stall and freshen it up. This has been, and continues to be, such an amazing experience!
Watch these videos to see what our babies thought about the fresh air! 

Video ----------------->  Hey! It's Grass!   

Video ----------------->      Where ya going little guy?

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