Saturday, April 25, 2015

Sad News - Izzy

It is with a very heavy heart that I have to announce the passing of our youngest little lamb Izzy. While we are not fully aware of what caused her passing in the night, we believe that she may have been ill and the terrible rain storm last night was just too much for her little system to take. Our entire club mourns the loss of this sweet little girl, but none more than T. He bottlefed her from a tiny lamb to the vibrant and playful little lady she had become. She was such a sweet-natured and good tempered little girl and she loved her T very much. BamBam and Smiley laid by her side throughout the night, leaving only when TABS moved them this morning to check on her.

When I got the call from TABS this morning, I was at a dance competition with SAS and all I could understand was "is dead". I walked out of the competition to try and find out what was going on and help calm my devastated child. Come to find out, she had called me even before going to get her Dad, who was just a few yards away in the house. I talked her through making sure that little Izzy was really gone and then sent her to get her Dad, while I made the worst phone call... I had to call T's Mom and let her know what had happened. They were at a wrestling meet, so she didn't immediately let T know. He found out after the meet, when he and she were alone in the car, so he could grieve in privacy.

Once we all got home, Leader HW and T came and picked up Izzy and TABS and they went out to the farm where they were able to lay Izzy to rest. This has been a very, very difficult time for our club, and something that we have not had to deal with up to this point, and something I hope we will never have to deal with again, although that is very wishful thinking! Luckily, we have an amazing 4H community who have reached out with love and support. We are very blessed.

Moving forward, we need to find a new animal for T to show at the fair, and in a price range he and his family can afford. This is not going to be easy, but I will not let him go without! He worked SO hard for and with Izzy, I will do everything in my power to make sure that he is able to go to the fair. If anyone knows of a breeder in, or near Utah, please let me know.

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