Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Fair Prep Day

We ended our day yesterday at 1:30am this morning! It all started with bathing the lambs, followed by bathing and loading three of our show pigs into the trailer (we were all pouring sweat and ready to send Bailey to Freezer Camp rather than the Fair!) before heading to the Livestock Exhibitors Meeting where we unloaded the very generous donation from Tractor Supply just before the skies opened up & absolutely poured! The Livestock President had to hold the meeting, yelling over the thunderous rain pelting the metal roof of the livestock barn. 

At the conclusion of the meeting, RV, HP & LP had Chicken Showmanship where HP took Reserve Champion and RV & LP took Blue Ribbons. Congrats to our amazing Chicken Showmen! 

9pm, is our night over? Not by a long shot! We head back to the Barn and quickly load the last of the show pigs, then we're off to the farm to help clean and repair the trailer. Finally home by 1:30am and quickly to bed, we're at it again this morning! Welcome to 5am... I don't like it!